Somewhat fresh off their first time to sleep at a friend's flat, I proudly present my adorable boys:
Q: I know you guys, but some people out there might need help putting names with faces and remembering what you're up to these days. So, can you introduce yourselves? And are there no barbers in London? Are you auditioning for a Beatles tribute band?Biggest Brother: I'm on the left. I'm 10 and I play guitar and drums.
Big Brother: That's me on the right. I'm 7. I'll be 8 in July. I like any sort of racing and love to draw.
Q: How is life in London? Feeling settled?
Biggest Brother: Life in London is busy and something new, although I do miss home sometimes.
Big Brother: It is definitely bigger and much noisier. I'm feeling mediumly settled.
Q: Is it true you've tried some unusual food? Do you really like blackcurrant juice? And do you really not like McDonald's anymore?
Biggest Brother: Yes! I like blackcurrant but not McDon.
Big Brother: I have tried some unusual food. Like fish and chips and Lebanese meatballs. I kinda like blackcurrant juice. And I DO still like McDonald's.
Q: What are the biggest differences about your school in London?
Big Brother: Here we wear uniforms. And not everyone brings a packed lunch [this is compared to his school in La Grange which didn't have a cafeteria. If you didn't go home for lunch (sigh!) you could bring lunch to eat at school].
Biggest Brother: Our playground is on the roof!
Q: Do you miss anything from the States?
Big Brother: I miss Target and Walmart, Lucky Charms [which his mother notes he's never had...], PopTarts, being close to my cousins, and small town life.
Biggest Brother: I miss Target, cereal and PopTarts.
Q: What's going on these days in London?
Biggest Brother: There are brand new buses with two sets of stairs.
Big Brother: The Olympics! Queen's Jubilee!
Q: Where have you travelled since moving?
Biggest Brother: Germany, Paris...
Big Brother: Spain, the beach in France, Scotland, Eastbourne, Whistable, Oxford
Q: Where are you going this summer?
Big Brother: Spain and Morocco!
Biggest Brother: And lots of our cousins and grandparents will be here!
Q: What are your favorite places to go in London?
Biggest Brother: Good question -- John Lewis! The train stations, Holland Park's adventure playground, Battersea Park, Hamley's
Big Brother: Hyde Park, the indoor playground, Covent Garden, the transportation museum, anywhere on a bus
Q: How about outside of the city?
Biggest Brother: I liked Eastbourne and Brighton.
Big Brother: Eastbourne was really neat. And Brighton's Pier. Oh, and Oxford. I really liked going on that bus ride and seeing all the buildings and universities.
Q: Favorite part of living here?
Big Brother: That we live right outside of Hyde Park, that we're close to a bus stop, and that we have a really good view from our flat. Seeing all the really cool cars - Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Range Rovers, Aston Martins, Bentleys, Mercedes and last but not least, Maseratis!
Biggest Brother: Riding double decker buses and all our new friends!
Q: Least favorite?
Big Brother: Definitely all the noise and pollution. It's a bit too busy and city-ish for me.
Biggest Brother: Being away from my family and friends.
Q: What's the funniest British thing you've heard? Funny British sayings or words you've picked up?
Big Brother: A food called a 'toad in a hole.'
Biggest Brother: Once, when I helped someone they said, "Cheers, Lad!" We still say that because it is funny!
Q: Who's your favorite blogger?
Big Brother: I have to see more blogs to decide.
Biggest Brother: I only know one!
Q: Anything else?
Biggest Brother: Tell everyone to come visit us so we can show them around!
Big Brother: Yeah - our couch pulls out and we have bunk beds, lots of space in our room and 3 sleeping bags, too!