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Friday, July 25, 2014

A Decade of Buddy

There's so much to say and not nearly enough time. The kids start school early August and then I suspect there will be way too much time and you'll quickly tire of me.

But meanwhile, our Buddy has turned 10 and I've not told you all about it. He and Biggest Brother have been gone all week visiting cousins and we're so excited to see them.

So I promise to send a newsy late summer update about our crew soon but until then, I want to celebrate our Number Two Son.  I suspect he's grown up a ton this week. Heaven knows it has been a big year: British school boy. American school boy. Cross Country runner. Broken clavicle. Star Wars and LEGO aficionado. Keen reader and straight A student. Our best snuggler and most cuddly. Champion of the Freckle Team.

He is a real sweetheart and our true buddy. Happy first decade and much love.

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