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Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's a Wonder

Big Sister turning seven should be a wonder of the world. Seriously. I feel like I must have dozed through the last five and a half or so years because it doesn't seem like that long ago that she was tiny. That our house was bombarded with pink receiving blankets, pink flowers and really anything pink.

She's still super girly, but lately she's also a big fan of being sporty like Big Brother, too. He gave her neon running gear so they can match. Buddies!

The Mister and I met her for lunch at school on her Big Day. You'll note that day she wore Mary Janes and fuzzy coat topped off with a Virginia Tech knit pom pom beanie. 

It doesn't seem like long ago that she was four or that we were mid-Mary Popp. But I know she's getting bigger as I see her legs stretching out nearly as long as her goldilocks.

She's a super spectacular seven year old and due lots of fanfare. Once again, our American Girl celebrated with her best buddies. She was extra lucky to have a sweet cousin bake her a beautiful cake to continue the festivities with all twelve cousins gathered en masse in Virginia.

This year found her touring Stonehenge, having crumpets at Wimbledon, being a little British school girl, sledging in Hyde Park, visiting Normandy and Sicily, sunbathing in Florida, getting cowboy boots, singing along to Taylor Swift and becoming a Nashvillian. Whew. If they weren't such good times it could be bittersweet. But oh! What a year it has been and how happy we all are to have shared it with our sweet girl.

So the very happiest birthday to our resident doll. May this year be even better and may the days go just a teeny bit slower. xo.


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday to the cutest 7 year old! You look just like your mom, lucky girl!
